In developing growth for a company worldwide, it requires time and experience. First, I believe we must hire more employees from all over the world. This will lead to better communication with any customer by making them feel comfortable and care for. Second, we must create a website ( with instructions describing how to be successful in any career field. The website will have all types of categories in which the viewers can pick the language they would like to search with. Furthermore, phone numbers at the bottom of every page for assistance will clear any confusion with our information. Third, gathering all of our data in different languages, by assigning employees from different nationalities to describe in details the material. Lastly, advertising the website in TV channels like TBS, ESPN, ABC, FOX, and MTV will put us ahead of any competitor. Are there any suggestions?
ReplyDeleteThis is better than your first posting. An international database of career professionals offering career advice is certainly original. You could definitely get coverage from those major networks, who in turn would offer even more clients.